Looking Good.
In conforming to societal standards, men may feel that there is a stigma in prioritizing their appearance. Like women, men may develop signs of aging or have features they don't like, which can detract from their confidence, interfering with both their professional and personal lives. Male patients often consider plastic surgery for years before they become motivated enough to pursue it. They may not discuss aesthetics as openly with their peers, making it more difficult for them to find great resources and recommendations.
In 2018, 8% (1.3 million) of all cosmetic procedures were performed on men. The top 5 surgical procedures were nose reshaping, eyelid surgery, liposuction, breast reduction (gynecomastia), and hair transplantation. The top 5 non-surgical cosmetic procedures were Botulinum toxin type A, laser hair removal, microdermabrasion, chemical peel, and soft tissue fillers.
Many plastic surgery procedures are performed in both men and women, but we take different masculine and feminine ideals into consideration in surgical planning. As aesthetics is her passion, Dr. Lisa Hwang will validate your concerns and help you navigate your surgical options. She will help you weigh the risks vs. benefits of your unique goals to determine whether surgery is right for you.